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Today Is IIB's First Birthday

And I'm ready for more more work.

Today is the one year anniversary of this Substack - this is the 342nd post, the original 42 subscribers have swelled to 297, and there are 570 total followers.

Biden passing the baton to Harris has been absolutely fantastic for the country, but it has sucked all the oxygen out of the room for the sort of stuff I do.

I spent 21:22 talking about my history and what I hope to do next. These are the bullet points I made so I could stay on track for the video.


  • Lyme & sequela 2007 – 2023

  • Recovery thanks to Noopept

  • Still face very irregular sleep

  • Precedent setting 1st Amendment case about to complete

  • R&D CTO with track record in telecom & sense making

Education (4:16)

  • Computer science program

  • Cisco certifications (self taught)

  • International Affairs - Coursera

  • Intelligence analyst/knowledge engineer (self taught)

Skills (5:48)

  • ISP operations

  • Hosting operations – cPanel, Proxmox

  • Integrator Skills

  • document indexing

  • organizational security

  • infrastructure analysis

  • social network analysis

  • fraud & leak investigation

  • litigation support

  • ghost writer – House, Senate, Gubernatorial races, Forbes column

Projects (11:05)

  • Auto parts company data mining

  • two wireless ISPs

  • renewable ammonia $100k USDA grant

  • Progressive Congress News – top 5 Knight Foundation News Challenge 2011

  • Twitter Recorder – Capitol Siege recording on Figshare

  • Disinfodrome – handling large volumes of documents.

Potential Employers (14:35)

  • research oriented NGOs

  • intelligence agencies

  • detective agencies

  • any org needing CISO/CTO with security skills

Things I Am Not (17:28)

  • Software Developer


  • Penetration Tester

  • Licensed PI

  • Do not have/will not get clearance

So there you have it. Anyone who is interested can contact Neal Rauhauser on LinkedIn to get the ball rolling.

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Netwar Irregulars Bulletin v2.0
Netwar Irregulars Bulletin v2.0