SoCal Armenian Extremists Attack UCLA Protesters
There's been a LOT of bad information out there about this group.
Editor’s Note: Armenia & France Grow Closer came out twenty four days after this article. Armenia was left without a friend in the world, given Russia’s declining position. France, who cares not one bit about Azerbijan’s fossil fuels, taking an interest in Armenia, in part over their annoyance with Russia’s antics in West Africa, is the good news our Armenian friends have needed. I don’t think there’s enough time for this to unwind the extremist sentiments in SoCal, but over the long haul … when Georgia’s NATO ascension is done, Yerevan assumes the role Europe’s most eastern outpost.
The people in the group who attacked the UCLA encampment were speaking a language other than English and there’s been some conspiracy theory going around that they’re Israeli Defense Force soldiers or Mossad agents who were speaking Hebrew.
Some of the attackers are part of a well organized group of Armenian nationalist extremists who’ve been involved in violence in connection with the Glendale Unified School District.
The best public information on this bunch is ChartyB, her site has lots of of nicely done mapping of the people involved.
I was asked to look into this situation last fall so I have an organized study available. If you fit any of the following categories you’re welcome to it:
Reporters for legitimate news outlets.
Local, state or federal law enforcement tasked with this situation.
Counsel for any of the protesters who have been injured.
NGO staff who work on issues like this.
There are a couple Maltego graphs and a 2.6GB Hunchly case export. I’ll assist in interpreting the content if that’s needed.
Regarding Armenia & Gaza:
I am deeply displeased with how the Netanyahu regime has treated the Palestinian people, but maybe read a twelve year old article I wrote entitled Why Gaza Is Screwed before accusing me of something. And you’d better factor in my kids being Jewish as well. Not easy to immediately make some politicized statement about my motivations, is it?
Lesser Syria, Greater Kurdistan, Armenia’s Mt. Olympus is an eleven year old article on issues in the North Levant and South Caucasus. I will in general rain fire on anything the Russians are doing, but Armenia is the exception. Those people have suffered just as much as the Jews during the Holocaust, or the Ukrainians during the Holodomor.
I fear that Armenia, pinned between Muslim Turkey and Muslim Azerbijan, with their only security guarantee being a relation with Russia … well … there’s no good end to this story. They’re liable to end up like the Yezidi, grimly holding on to small scraps of defensible territory, with their country functionally gone. The ONLY option they have for a friend in the region is to get along with Georgia … which isn’t going to happen if they’re tight with Moscow.
Peter Zeihan has a lot of details on what’s happening there.
If there were something I could do to make the people of Gaza safe, I would do so.
If there were something I could do to make the people of Armenia safe, I would do so.
Protecting Ukraine, and thusly the rest of Europe, is complex to implement, but it wasn’t difficult to determine who to support.
Like America’s Christian Nationalists, many Armenians see Russia as their only friend in a hostile environment where they are outnumbered. Unlike the paranoid, delusional Christian Nationalists, the Armenians DO face an existential threat.
A final thought … a people who are in grave danger of becoming stateless attacking the peaceful supporters of another group who already ARE stateless is probably a source of really bad karma.