Someone turned over an ad spending rock and found Russpublicans licking Putin’s boots. The details on the find were brought to me so a proper journalist could be found to report on this. We could solve our renewable energy problem with a copper coil around Ronald Reagan’s casket, because he is certainly spinning in his grave at what his party has become.
I can’t show the particulars about this because I still need a reporter who can run with it, but the outlines can be shown without wrecking the scoop. Yay for Semrush, it’s the new “eye in the sky”, replacing the niche Twitter used to fill.
Undeniable Behavior:
What you’re seeing here is a right wing entity in the U.S. that never pays for traffic suddenly spending over half a million dollars. Twice.
They did two campaigns at this scale and another smaller one that is less clearly linked to licking Putin’s boots. This says news but it’s more pushing right wing talking points disguised as news.
A great American philosopher once said:
“You can observe a lot by watching.”
And that is all that happened here. Unlike that other upcoming piece, which involved a juicy intrusion into a hostile nation state agency’s email and phone system, this find was purely based on something any Semrush operator could do, if they knew how to use a few other tools.
I haven’t mentioned the other tooling required because I really want this to be another front page story rather than a post on a Substack with an audience of less than a hundred.
I have shared this with three other reporters and all have said “interesting, but my work queue is <insert synonym for insane>”. Nobody else is working this, my supply of reporters suitable for this has run dry, and my associates that could stir up someone of the needed stature have also come up empty.
I hope I’ve said enough here without tipping off the lucky winner that they’ve been caught. Even if they do notice there’s nothing they can do, this is in the past, it’s memorialized in a couple different commercial systems, all this will take is a report who will examine the work, then call the organization for comment.
If you are interested you can send a connect request the Neal Rauhauser LinkedIn account. Forewarned is forearmed, I’ve already noticed some Crack Babies of Kiwi Farms in the vicinity, I gave them some butthurt, and as a rule I do NOT suffer fools gladly. So … make your pretext approach … and I’ll make an example out of you.
If we can manage to get the piss out of this mid-sized boot without ending up with two damp socks, I will then go check what those NAFO mutts have been incessantly barking about for the last couple days. Given the volume of the uproar it almost sounds as if they’ve treed a bear or something …
Requisite jocularity aside, mixed in with the yelps I have heard what sounded like “Can we get this one on a Disinfodrome server, too?” Given their prior successes I would be remiss in my role of Principal Investigator for The Internet if I didn’t get on that promptly. It looks like maybe ANOTHER hostile nation state agency is about to get chewed up in public.