When you are faced with a problem in real life that can cause immediate, irreparable harm, the correct legal maneuver to quickly halt it is an injunction.
When internet scuffles start getting complex and exciting, there will be multiple overlapping sessions of “internet court” and you will see a lot of attempts at filing CONJUNCTIONS. What is a conjunction, you ask?
When two or more entities that are unrelated, or that have been related in the past, but are not mutually involved in whatever the current issue(s) are, a range of individuals may attempt by conflation to drag them all into the current scrum.
The individuals filing these conjunctions have a range of motivations. Parties actually involved may leak information in an effort to spread, and thereby avoid blame. Detractors of a party involved in a conflict, or their former associate, may do this in an effort to fuel the excitement. Bipolar individuals excel at this activity and do it because the disorder commands them.
Now is a great time to cover this, because I see multiple overlapping instances of it, and it’s getting annoying.
Attention Conservation Notice:
If you read Stop Ingesting Crap and truly took it to heart, you will likely not read this post. This is only worthwhile if you MUST deal with such situations at a closer level than saying WTF is this nonsense and closing a browser tab.
Current Conflicts Subject To Conjunctions:
As I mentioned in Probable Pissposting, I have a precedent setting 1st Amendment case in Texas that has been at the just short of collections phase for years. James “Pissboy” McGibney has been filing false police reports and frivolous lawsuits about me since 2012, likely at the behest of the Dallas FBI field office.
if you read Incredible Intel you’ll recall it’s a meta post, someone brought something in that’s pretty notable, but I didn’t say precisely what it was, I just talked around handling source credibility and information quality. That article contains mention of two individuals that are caught up in online scuffles - Jackie Singh of Hacking But Legal and Jim Stewartson of Mind War. Neither of them are directly involved, they just made convenient examples for that piece.
Stewartson got himself sued by Mike Flynn over some Qanonsense. I mentioned Qanon’s implications in Heathens & Heretics, but that’s a strategic overview, it’s nothing to do with Stewartson’s misadventures. I was around when Jim launched The Thinkin’ Project against Qanon in late 2020, but it immediately failed to vet people, and I found other things to do that involved fewer schizophrenics.
Jackie always struck me as having the good sense to avoid things like this, but when she was younger she was across the line into the shadows, associating with the worst of the worst. This should be seen in the same light as the careers of Bat Masterson or Wyatt Earp - gunfighters made good sheriffs.
And for what reason I don’t know, Andrew “Weev'“ Auernheimer is again doing strange attractor duty for the whole of the internet. I saw him once in real life, at Zucotti, making an ass of himself with an anti-Semitic sign. Given the mild temperatures it had to have been in October of 2011, but I didn’t realize what I’d seen until a year or more after the fact. Like both Jim and Jackie, Andrew passed through my online world, and none of the three lingered.
Anecdotal Evidence:
The plural of “anecdote” ain’t “evidence” and that goes double here, this stuff is offered as examples of probable disinformation which I do not care to run down to disprove/verify. This scuffle is about the identity of “Torswats”, which turned out to be a seventeen year old in California.
And Jim’s feed is a constant firehose of stuff, in this one I think he’s quite accurate. Many of the others, particularly who is involved in Qanon, have changed often enough that … I have concerns.
But the key issues here are:
Things that are not correct but which are seen first may “anchor” - a cognitive bias in play, unrelated to how experienced or smart the observer may be.
A constant flow of (dis)information, particularly if the nature of the material triggers an emotional reaction, can lead to an erosion of an individual or group reality.
Your own cognitive capacity is limited, you can’t dog paddle around a zone that’s been flooded with shit without suffering some insult from it.
Incredible Intel was a “meta” post but there’s a real issue underneath it. The nature of the finding rises to the point where something can be done about it. A pack of howling jackasses debating it (and lying) endlessly would devalue the finding, so it will be left obscure. Some day there might be an actual result, which would be worthy of a reporter’s attention. Until then, it just sits.
MIOS: Doin’ A FISA was almost two months ago, but whispers in the wind say to check around Sunday morning. Had I not let this quietly progress, there’d have been a blizzard of conjunctions and nothing would have come of it. I prefer landing a solid hit.
I very much hope that after Sunday someone will take an interest in MIOS: Russpublicans. There are a couple worn out scene whores my age who’ve been flapping their gums about all sorts of stuff, trying to draw me into some sort of debate. They have ideological reasons to try to protect these pro-Putin goofs and have been that way since their inception. Like Individual None, they don’t rate direct mention. At least not yet.
You might be asking yourself why I even spent the time to write this …
There are some things happening that DO bear observation and they’re close enough to the conjunctions unreality vortex that new observers are having their first contact with this sort of thing. I’m finding that, for the sake of fostering their skills at picking out what matters, I’m having to reach back to events from the dark age of online conflict, the pre-Occupy days. They come up with a couple screen shots and I have to give them a rundown on who’s who and what actual role/skills they might have.
I really expect AI to just eat this sort of thing alive, but everything artificial still requires a seed crystal of reality here in 2024, particularly for things rooted in the pre-AI shit blizzard. Thanks to my technology background, I have a career path forward in these times. Sadly, a couple hags, whose stock in trade is lying, are left trying to stir action from someone whose behind is still too sore to let them sit thanks to the last time they swallowed lies that led them to significant legal expenses.
So the lies will continue, but no matter what they look like in their daywalker guise, we all know what hags are really like underneath.