The recent indictment of two RT people led to my article Benny Johnson & Tim Pool - two individuals who attended the 2019 White House Media Summit, which was the seed crystal of the January 6th Capitol Siege data I published on Figshare.
This comes on the heels of the indictment related to RT’s Meliorator Social Botnet, which lead to the release of the very interesting Meliorator Search Warrant.
I finally found a reporter to handle MIOS: Russpublicans a couple months ago. I’m starting to think an report now, rather than waiting for the article, would be for the best. And I’m not sure if there will be credit in a different article, but NAFO’s Canine Intelligence Agency has taken another bite out of a GRU operation. Once it’s published I’ll have a followup here, since the MAGA Meltdown graph made a contribution to the cause.
Bill Browder comes with the big picture - Putin is in a world of hurt, and scrambling to put Trump back in the White House. If that doesn’t happen it’s bad for him, but it only raises the potential that it’s fatal, it does not ensure that. Browder cited several other authoritarian leaders who had navigated terrible domestic conditions for long periods of time.
What I’m saying doesn’t match the video’s lede - that’s because YouTube’s shitty algorithm demands maximum drama, not sober analysis.